Skill Proficiency (Pistol / Carbine)

See ( Calendar ) for course dates


Refer to this course for Skill Proficiency 101, 201, and 301
Keep your Skills sharp!
Phobos wants to welcome anyone who has taken and completed our previous courses for Pistol / Carbine.

Come out and join us for half a day of drills and exercises designed to keep your skills sharp!

* Classes are 4 hours each day.
Pistol: $125
Carbine: $125

(NEW CLASS ADDED) Handgun and Carbine Combo Proficiency Physical Fitness Based

Contact Us for Course Location:

(Contact Phobos Solutions)

  • Range used is determined by availability.
  • Phobos Solutions will reserve the range used prior to class. 
  • All students will be notified of range and location prior to class.

Possible ranges or locations used:

  • Mississippi
  • Slidell
  • Cutoff
Phone: (504) 655-1711
Louisiana | Mississippi
Serving the Greater New Orleans Area